Arab League: Draft resolution on supporting Egypt in GERD issue

Egypt Today - A draft resolution on supporting the Nile downstream countries in the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was put forward by Egypt and Sudan and discussed at the level of permanent delegates to the Arab League during their meetings for the preparation for the Arab League Summit due to convene on November 1-2 in Algeria, according to Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States ambassador Hossam Zaki.

The issue of the Renaissance Dam is presented to the Arab foreign ministers, adding that the draft resolution will be updated by some suggestions that would be submitted lateral to the Foreign Ministers, Al Masry Al Youm reported on Friday.  

Zaki added that another draft resolution on the foreign ministers' table will be discussed regarding support for the upcoming climate summit (Cop27) in Egypt. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry arrived on Friday in Algeria to attend a preparatory meeting for the 31st Summit of the Arab League.  

During the meeting, Tunisian Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi will hand over the presidency of the summit to his Algerian counterpart Ramtane Lamamra. The Arab foreign ministers are expected to hold a closed meeting to approve the summit’s agenda. 

It is the first summit for the Arab League after a two-year hiatus, which makes the event very important for helping the Arab countries face the grave challenges facing them due to the current critical international and regional conditions, Abu Zeid said.  

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul Gheit arrived on Thursday in Algeria, ahead of the Summit. The Palestinian cause will top the agenda of the summit, along with other files, including the Arab-European and Arab-African relations and the economy, investment, and trade exchange in the Arab region.  

The summit is expected to tackle some decisions, which should reflect the Arab will in settling disputes, restoring peace, and bringing about stability and development for the Arab nations