Gallant criticizes Netanyahu's exit from "closed rooms"

Egypt Daily News - In clear opposition to statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the delay in the delivery of American weapons, Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Wednesday that Israel considers the American people a family, and like all families, disagreements are discussed within the home.

Gallant said during a meeting with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in a statement: “We consider the American people as our family. In every family, differences may arise, but like all families, we discuss our differences internally and remain united.”

Gallant's statement comes a week after Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration for withholding weapons and support, which led to Washington and Tel Aviv exchanging accusations and blaming each other.

Netanyahu tried to portray the Biden administration as not supportive of Israel, which Gallant made clear his opposition to.

Overt and covert support

“Since the brutal attack by Hamas, the United States has stood with Israel,” Gallant said. “This includes working together to confront the Iranian attack in mid-April.” "We appreciate the support we have received - both public and private," he added.

In a sign of the difference in positions with Netanyahu, Gallant said that Israel stands firmly behind the ceasefire agreement reached by President Biden and is committed to returning the hostages to their homeland without exception.

Gallant stressed that he is personally committed to facilitating humanitarian aid to Gaza. He continued, saying: “We only fight those who want to harm us... Together, let us move forward with strength and compassion.”

Netanyahu recently revealed that he informed US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that it was unreasonable for Washington to withhold weapons and ammunition from Tel Aviv. In a video clip, Netanyahu said that it was “unreasonable” for Washington to withhold “weapons and ammunition” from Israel during the past few months.

Against the backdrop of these statements, the White House directed harsh and unprecedented criticism of the Israeli Prime Minister. 

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby considered Netanyahu's statements regarding the delay in delivering US arms shipments to Israel "insulting."

Kirby told reporters, "Those statements were extremely disappointing and certainly insulting to us, given the amount of support we provide and will continue to provide."

The Biden administration's relationship with Netanyahu

The side meetings that Washington held with Gallant, and before him, the former member of the war government, Benny Gantz, are seen as evidence of the crisis in the relationship between Biden and Netanyahu, while some saw it as an American attempt to weaken Netanyahu politically.

National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby, when asked about the Biden administration's relationship with Netanyahu, said that he is the elected prime minister of the State of Israel, and therefore he is the leader the White House will work with.

"I'm not saying things have been smooth in every case, including recent days," Kirby said. "But we're not going to respond to every policy statement made by the prime minister in his public statements."

"What we are focusing on is making sure again that they have what they need and we believe we are fully capable of doing that with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with this government," he added.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to respond to Gallant's statements, in the latest sign of the discrepancy between him and the most prominent members of his government.

Netanyahu said: “When conflicts are not resolved for weeks behind closed doors, the Prime Minister of Israel needs to speak frankly in order to bring what the Israeli army needs.”

Netanyahu points to the United States' delay in delivering arms shipments requested by Israel, which threatens to wage war on Lebanon.

Gantz: Gallant is right

For his part, the head of the State Camp party, Benny Gantz, who withdrew from the war government, said: “Minister Gallant is right. Over the past months, we have solved many problems with our friends in the Council, including the issue of armaments. This is what I did during my trip.” To Washington in early March, and that is what the Minister of Security is doing now.”

In a public criticism of Netanyahu, Gantz said, “The unnecessary friction that the prime minister creates for political reasons may give him a few points in the base, but it harms the strategic relationship with the United States, which is an integral part of the ability to win the war.”