Leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States call for not igniting a third world war and combating neo-Nazism

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Leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Egypt Daily News – Leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States called today, Tuesday, to prevent the revival of fascism, Nazism, and militarism, and to thwart attempts to ignite a new world war.
The statement, addressed by the leaders to their peoples and the peoples of the world as the 80th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over fascism in World War II approaches, stated.

The leaders said, “Our common duty is to sacredly honor the memory of those who died for freedom and peace on earth, to defend with all our might the just cause for which they fought and sacrificed their lives, and to strengthen in every possible way the unity of all people of good will in the world, in combating any manifestation of Nazism and neo-Nazism, as well as the dangers of a new world war.”

The leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States welcomed the decision adopted by the United Nations General Assembly regarding combating the glorification of Nazism and neo-Nazism, and practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism and racial discrimination.

They said in their statement: “In this regard, we welcome the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to combat the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, and we also express our commitment to the goals and principles of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.”

The leaders also called for the condemnation and criminalization of anyone who attempts to insult the memory of the liberating soldiers and glorifies Nazi criminals and their followers.

They said: “We call for the condemnation and accountability [by bringing them to justice] of anyone who insults the memory of the liberating soldiers and glorifies the Nazi criminals and their followers.”

The United Nations General Assembly earlier approved the Russian draft resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism. 188 countries, including China, Brazil, and Israel, voted in favor of this resolution, while the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, and Ukraine voted against it, and 14 other countries abstained from voting.

The resolution includes 74 clauses that unequivocally condemn incidents related to Nazi propaganda. The document also condemns Holocaust denial and attempts to carry it out, as well as manifestations of religious intolerance, persecution, or violence against individuals or communities based on their racial or religious origin.

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