Armed clashes in Tripoli – Libya

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Tripoli Clashes

Egypt Daily News – Sources reported early Wednesday that violent clashes broke out in Libya around the intelligence headquarters in the Sabaa area of the capital, Tripoli.

The reporter mentioned that security forces closed the coastal road near the new prison and redirected the cars in the opposite direction.

According to eyewitnesses, clashes broke out with heavy and medium weapons.

It is worth noting that similar clashes occur periodically in the city of Zawiya, west of the capital Tripoli, where rival armed groups are spread throughout its neighborhoods, amid the authorities’ inability to control the security situation.

Since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in 2011, Libya has witnessed conflicts and divisions, managing its affairs through two rival governments.

The first, based in Tripoli to the west, is led by Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh and is recognized by the United Nations, while the second, in the east, is led by Osama Hamad.

However, there is also competition for power and influence within each side, which occasionally manifests in clashes involving light and medium firearms among various armed groups.

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