Yemen: 9 people killed as a result of lightening and torrential rain in several governorates

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Yemen storm

Egypt Daily News – 9 people killed as a result of lightening and torrential rain in several governorates in Yemen. Recent reports from Al-Yemen satellite channel indicate that severe weather has led to multiple fatalities across various governorates in Yemen due to lightning strikes and heavy rains.

Specifically, in Hajjah Governorate, four individuals lost their lives in separate lightning incidents. Additionally, two fatalities were reported in the Nihm District of Sana’a Governorate, and a man and woman succumbed to lightning strikes in Marib. Al-Jawf Governorate also reported a death attributed to a thunderbolt during heavy rainfall.

The situation has been compounded by torrential rains that have caused significant flooding, particularly affecting displacement camps.

Damage assessments reveal that 7,179 shelters belonging to displaced families have been impacted, with 2,973 completely destroyed and 4,206 partially damaged in Marib Governorate.

Since the onset of the rainy season in March, lightning strikes have reportedly taken dozens of lives, with a significant number of these incidents occurring between late June and August.

The ongoing weather challenges continue to pose serious threats to safety and shelter for many in the region.

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