Egypt intends to allocate a land area of ​​90 square kilometers to the Emirati “Amea Power”

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Egypt Daily News – The Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority intends to allocate land with an area of ​​about 90 square kilometers to the “Aemea Power” company, affiliated with the Emirati Al Nowais Group, within weeks, to implement projects to produce electricity from solar and wind energy.

Sources at the Ministry of Electricity told Al Arabiya Business that after the Egyptian Council of Ministers approved the offer submitted by EMEA Power to implement additional renewable energy projects in Egypt with a total capacity of 1,500 megawatts, procedures will be completed with the Emirati company and granted land to implement the projects under the usufruct system.

The sources explained that 20 square kilometers will be allocated to the company in the New Benban area in Aswan Governorate, to implement solar energy stations with a capacity of 500 megawatts and investments amounting to $500 million, and the area of ​​land allocated to the Authority in accordance with the decision of the President Sisi, amounts to 47 square kilometers in Benban in Aswan.

The sources added that about 70 square kilometers in the Gulf of Suez region will be allocated to AMEA Power to implement wind energy plants with a total capacity of up to 1,000 megawatts and with investments estimated at about one billion dollars. It is also part of the lands allocated to the Renewable Energy Authority in accordance with President’s Sisi decision to increase the areas of allocated lands. To implement renewable energy projects.

The sources stated that the Emirati company will complete the procedures for the projects with the officials of the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company during the next two weeks, which includes determining the timetable for the implementation of the projects and the date of financial closure, as well as the period scheduled for the commercial operation of the projects, which Egypt aspires to be before the summer of 2025.

The sources also indicated that solar power plants may take between 8 and 10 months after completing studies and obtaining permits, while wind power plants need a longer period due to the increased duration of measurements and studies on wind speeds, bird migration, and other matters.

They explained that the company is still holding consultations and discussions with a number of renewable energy project contractors to participate in the implementation of solar and wind energy plants, as happened in the solar energy plants it is currently implementing in Aswan with a capacity of 500 megawatts.

Last week, the Egyptian Cabinet approved the offer submitted by Aimea Power, one of the companies of the Emirati Al Nowais Investment Group, to implement additional renewable energy projects before the summer of 2025.

The projects included adding a capacity of 500 megawatts of solar energy after the completion of the Abydos solar energy project, which is being completed with a capacity of 500 megawatts, in addition to adding a capacity of 1,500 megawatts (solar energy and wind energy), and connecting it to the national electricity grid after the completion of (an additional solar energy project with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts). Megawatts and the ongoing Amont wind energy project with a capacity of 500 megawatts, in addition to the battery storage system.

This brings the total capacity planned to be added from Aimea Power projects before the summer of 2025 to 2,000 megawatts, including the battery storage system.

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