3 Israelis killed in a vehicle accident near Sharm El Sheikh

Egypt Daily News - Three Israelis were killed on Saturday in a traffic accident near Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. The ministry said in a statement: “Today (Saturday) in the morning hours, a serious car accident occurred in which 3 members of an Israeli family were killed and others were injured.”

The statement added: “The family was traveling in the Nuweiba region in Egypt. The Israeli Embassy in Cairo and the Department of Affairs of Israelis Abroad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are dealing with the incident, and are working with the Egyptian authorities to transport the bodies of the dead to Israel, as well as helping the wounded in hospitals.”

The Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" said that the dead were a husband, wife, and their two-month-old infant daughter, while their two other children were injured and are undergoing treatment. The newspaper explained that the family was spending a vacation in Nuweiba, South Sinai Governorate.

According to a relative, the two children who survived the accident are already in Taba on the Egyptian side of the border, waiting to cross.