A high-level source: Egypt will not stand idly by in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza

Egypt Daily News - A high-ranking source said that Egypt will not stand idly by in the face of the devastating catastrophic humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, according to what Cairo News Channel reported in a breaking news story.

He stated that the Rafah crossing is an Egyptian-Palestinian crossing, and Egypt will re-enter aid through a mechanism to be agreed upon in coordination with the Palestinian Authority. He added that Egypt will continue to confront any attempts to liquidate the Palestinian Authority or isolate the Gaza Strip from the world.

He pointed out that Egypt and America agree to bring aid temporarily through the Kerem Shalom crossing, based on Egypt’s keenness to alleviate the aid shortage. The high-level source confirmed that Egypt is keen to quickly find temporary solutions to bring fuel into the Gaza Strip to operate hospitals that have stopped working, and Egypt is keen to alleviate the impact of the lack of aid by bringing it in through the Kerem Shalom crossing until the Rafah crossing returns to operating normally.

A high-level source also confirmed that Egypt is keen on the principles of the Palestinian issue and insists on not accepting the fait accompli policy that the other side is trying to impose on the ground.