Egypt calls on Israel and Hamas to complete the ceasefire agreement in Gaza

Egypt Daily News - Egypt welcomed the Security Council's decision to support the deal to reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. In a statement issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Monday evening, Cairo welcomed the resolution issued by the Security Council and the exchange of prisoners and detainees it included, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, and the safe return of displaced Palestinian citizens to their homes in the various areas of the Strip, as well as ensuring the access of aid. Humanity fully meets the needs of the residents of the Strip.

Egypt renewed its demand to Israel for the importance of complying with its obligations in accordance with the provisions of international law, and to stop the war it is waging against the Gaza Strip, and the killing and destruction it has caused, affecting the Palestinians and the entire infrastructure in the Strip. It called on both Israel and Hamas to take serious steps towards completing this deal as soon as possible, and to begin implementing its provisions without delay or conditions.

Egypt reaffirmed the necessity of serious action by international parties to find a political horizon for implementing the two-state solution, as it is the only guarantee for ending the crisis from its roots, supporting the foundations of stability and coexistence in the region, and establishing an independent Palestinian state with continuous territories on the 1968 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, side by side with Israel.

During his meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Monday, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stressed the importance of concerted international efforts to remove obstacles to the implementation of humanitarian aid, the necessity of ending the war on the Gaza Strip, preventing the expansion of the conflict, and moving forward in implementing the two-state solution.