Minister of Defense: Egypt deals with the Palestinian issue with the utmost wisdom... and is prepared for any challenges

Egypt daily News - Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production, said that the Armed Forces are capable of confronting any challenges imposed on them thanks to the strength and cohesion of the Egyptian people and their national leadership, and that the Egyptian state has constants that it does not deviate from and does not take sides except in the interest of Egyptian national security.

The Minister of Defense stressed the important and effective role played by the Egyptian state in supporting the Palestinian cause throughout history, and that the current situation is being dealt with with the utmost wisdom to support and preserve the issue and support the Palestinian brothers on the basis of the two-state solution, pointing out that preserving Sinai is not complete without overall development.

This came while the Minister of Defense was attending the main phase of the tactical project, which is being implemented by one of the units of the Second Field Army using live ammunition, and will continue for several days, in the presence of Lieutenant General Osama Askar, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, commanders of the main branches, and a number of governors, senior commanders of the armed forces and members. The House of Representatives, the Senate, media professionals, and presidents of Egyptian universities.

At the end of the stage, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, conveyed the greetings and appreciation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, his pride in the efforts made by the men of the Armed Forces to carry out all the tasks and duties assigned to them under various circumstances, stressing that the activities and training missions that have been implemented for the armed forces provide a message of reassurance to the great Egyptian people about their armed forces and their permanent combat readiness, explaining that the armed forces are working with every effort to preserve the combat systems, weapons and equipment they possess, and are working to develop their performance to maximize their use of the available capabilities. .

The Commander-in-Chief thanked and appreciated the men of the armed forces for their efforts to confront the current and unprecedented challenges targeting Egyptian national security in all strategic directions.

He praised the distinguished performance and high combat readiness of the elements participating in the project, which reflected the ability and readiness of the Second Field Army, which, along with the rest of the tactical formations of the Armed Forces, represents the main pillar of protecting the pillars of Egyptian national security on all strategic directions.