The Minister of Education announces the success rates for the general secondary school year 2024, science, sports, and literature

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In a recent press conference, Minister of Education and Technical Education, Muhammad Abdel Latif, announced the high school success rates for the year 2024, highlighting improvements over the previous year. The key points from the announcement include:

2024 Success Rates

  • Overall Success Rate: 81.3%
  • Science Section: 80%
  • Sports Section: 86%
  • Literary Section: 80%

Comparison with 2023

  • Overall Success Rate in 2023: 78.81%
    • Increase: 2.49 percentage points
  • Success Rate in Science Division (2023): 78.62%
  • Success Rate in Mathematics Division (2023): 79.78%
  • Success Rate in Literary Division (2023): 78.74%

Summary of Improvements

  • The overall success rate increased by approximately 2.49% from 2023 to 2024, reflecting positive trends in student performance across different divisions.
  • The success in the Science Division improved from 78.62% to 80%.
  • The Sports Section achieved a notable success rate of 86% in 2024, marking a significant strength in this division.
  • The Literary Section maintained a strong performance with an 80% success rate in 2024, reinforcing its progress compared to the previous year.

Overall, the data presents a clear upward trend in success rates across various academic divisions for high school graduates, indicating improved educational outcomes for the year 2024.

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