Sunak announces that British elections will be held on July 4

Egypt Daily News - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed that he is calling for a general election on July 4, in remarks he delivered outside government headquarters on Wednesday.

Sunak said, during his speech outside Downing Street: “Now is the time for Britain to choose its future,” while he considered that Britain, by voting for the Labor Party, “will risk returning to square one.” But he admits: "I cannot and will not pretend that we got everything right."

As he spoke, he struggled against an extremely loud megaphone by a protester. Rain fell as dozens of demonstrators chanted, “Go, Conservatives,” before Sunak announced the date of the elections. The Conservative Party is colloquially known as the Tory Party in the United Kingdom.

Opinion polls currently indicate results ranging from a comfortable victory for Labor to a devastating electoral defeat for the Conservatives. The Labor Party leads by about 20 points in the opinion polls.

But recent election campaigns and referendums have proven volatile, and the Conservatives still publicly hope for success have indicated mixed levels of enthusiasm for Labor's offerings.

Opposition leader Keir Starmer responded to Rishi Sunak's call for a general election, claiming that "Britain deserves better" from the Tories, and that his Labor Party would do just that.

In a video, shared on X, Starmer said "it's time for change" and that "the answer is not another five years of Tory rule. They have failed." "Stop the chaos. Turn the page. Start rebuilding. Vote Labor," he said during the video.

Stamer took some heat from Sunak's statements, who attacked him, saying: "I am guided by doing what is right for our country, not what is easy, and I cannot say the same for the Labor Party." “I don’t know what they are offering,” Sonalek said. Sunak added of Starmer: “He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power.”

He added, "If you do not have the conviction to stick to anything you say... how can you be trusted to lead our country?"